汉密尔顿的美国 正片

分类:纪录片 英语2016



He wrote his way out. OMG Lin,I love this mate deeply. Honestly I can do nothing but listen to him speaking all day long. He's a genius, no doubt; he has pure love for art u can just see that in his eyes ; and he's got great passion for actually filling his days with endless wonders rather than just stay alive.He's gentle, he can be sweet but he can also be insistent and boldly speak out his mind. And his sensitivity to words——one glance he just can turn those complex articles into his own tunes. And about the true figure Alexander Hamilton.Now I really have the passion,also the courage, to read his biography. He was the one founding father often left behind by us. But Lin told his story, especially as an immigrant. That's a landmark. This documentary is amazing .It shows us how a great was created,all those 6 years of Lin 's life, and how Lin 's own experiences magically parallel Hamilton 's. The film editing is also legendary. Each period is accompanied with corresponding song from the musical, and scenes of the background story, the show itself,and Lin 's life were linked wonderfully together. I can say this from the bottom of my heart that this musical is a landmark of my own life. 详情


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